Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I thought Kyle and I could eat....then I met Jon Grey

Well its Wednesday and the week is now half-over, or only half-through, I guess it depends on your persecutive. Either way, Im glad because Im pretty much ready for the weekend. After the race last weekend I have decided to make a conscious decision to put forth more effort into my bike riding. It really would be pretty sweet to upgrade to a Cat 3 by the end of the collegiate season. Unfortunately, I wont have much time after May to ride over the summer as I will be shipping off to bright and sunny Quantico where the girls are beautiful and the grass is green and the SSgt's yell all day and you cant do anything right even if you are doing it exactly right. That said, Monday I woke up and went for a run. I find it a common trait in triathletes that no matter how much you would like to balance your training, one of the three will be nearest to your heart, as for me I am a runner at heart.

Although my passion for running is deep, there is one man in this world that none of us can compare to. Yesterday Kyle ran 6 miles, and whats better nothing on his body is pillaging, he can walk today and the likelihood of any of his limbs falling off his fairly minimal. Last night Kyle and I decided to take our buddy Jon to dinner at Pierces BBQ because we love Jon and missed his birthday, but even more because we absolutely love us some hog. Now as you can imagine, Kyle was feeling pretty good about himself on the way to Pierce's having completed one of his longest runs for a few months. When we picked up Jon we of course were informed by the running extraordinaire that Kyle's run in fact was only 1/4 of the mileage Jon had run for the day, yes ladies and gentlemen, the kid had run somewhere around 22 miles for the day, I guess you lose count somewhere in the teens and the miles all kind of slur together. I think the kid runs more miles a week then I put on my car even with me having to drive to Colonial Heights and back almost weekly.

When we arrived at Pierces we ordered 3 JC's Specials which consists of a BBQ sandwich, some awesome fries, a drink, and a cookie of your choice. As I walked back to the sweet tea I see Jon sitting by the machine hammering the sugary goodness faster than Billz and liquor on a Friday night, or a Wednesday night last week. Anyway we get our meals, Kyle gets his first thank god cause the man eats slower than some shit and by the time im done he always has like half of his left and I just want to start feasting on his. My rate of feasting cant compare to Jon's though as by the time Im done with my sandwich hes already eaten his, the fries, had 3 more cups of sweet tea and then is working on the cookie. As he finishes another glass he gets up and says who wants another one. Kyle and I look at each other and laugh and Jon tries to convince me I want another one. Now i could have but the sugar from my 48 ounces of sweet tea has me feeling pretty satisfied, Jon however having consumed probably over 100 ounces of the deliciousness is ready for more, so he goes back up front and orders another of the larger versions of the sandwiches. After he feasts it we leave Pierce's high on sugar and very happy. I drive them back to campus and as Jon gets out of my car he asks me if I always go to Wawa after swim practice, which he knows I will be coaching later. I tell him not always, he informs me that I should come over after practice and go with him....Happy 22nd Birthday Mr. Grey, and may your Spring track season go well! Sub 28 baby!

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