Thursday, February 18, 2010


So apparently yesterday began the first day of Lent. This is an interesting time of the year because you get to talk to people about what, if anything they are giving up. Lets rewind to ANY Sunday morning for the past year at say 10a.m., time for church! Now lets see what most of my fellow collegiate compatriots are doing at that time, the answer...SLEEPING. There are a fair number of college kids that do infact go to church, but I feel like its safe to say that these individuals are NOT the majority.

Today however is lent and therefore we must follow the masses and give something up. Why is it that we participate in the Lenten tradition? Is it our love for god, remembering the sacrifice he made for us? For most of us the answer is no. Not that there is anything at all wrong with this. However, I do find it interesting how people like to "test" themselves by making sacrifices. I have done the same thing, I have given up chocolate, soda and the like. Last year I gave up "sweets" it lasted for about 5 hours. My roomate gave up sweets this year and last year, he then proceeded to ask me if a donut qualified. He is also of the opinion that caramel apples are not "sweets" either. Im not convinced. Darster is another one of these strong willed individuals to give up sweets, she on the other hand probably will restrain from eating them, just feast on peanut butter instead. It amuses me how people love to test and torture themselves in such a manner.

As for me, as I said, i will not be giving up anything that I eat this year. My will power simply does not exist when it comes to feasting. Instead I have assembled "The cuss bucket." On my fridge sits a livestrong colored shoe box, in which a quarter shall be deposited by every person in my room, should they choose to participate, for saying a curse word. Im not going to lie, the first day I think i lost about 3 bucks, but today I havent even hit a dollar. Wilson came over and dropped 1.50 in about 10 minutes, it was pretty hilarious. Kyle has lost some too. Austonian, has dropped a good amount too. At the end of Lent I will take all of the funds and donate it to the Livestrong fund for cancer. I wan to make it clear that this is not meant to offend anyone, it is simply an observation.

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